How to Enhance the Visual Sense Through Meditation

How to Enhance the Visual Sense Through Meditation

According to "Hands of Light" author Barbara Ann Brennan, having access to information beyond normal perception can greatly enhance the healing process for energy workers. What follows is Brennan's method for improving your visual sense of perception. Read on to learn how to enhance the visual sense through meditation.


Learn more about your preferred method of processing information, thoughts and feelings. Discover if you learn best through reading, lecture or doing and if you think in words, feelings or pictures. Answering questions such as these will provide clues as to your preferred method of exploring the world around you.


Sit in a comfortable meditative position with your back straight and center yourself. Follow your breath. Close your eyes and feel your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Visualize yourself literally following your breath into your body to its center. Repeat the reminder "Following breath to center," periodically to remain focused.


Focus on the inside of your body (various body parts and organs). If your preferred sense is vision, look at the parts you are focusing on. Likewise, for those tending to be tactile (touch) you may want to touch the parts you are focusing on. Finally, auditory processors can remain focused by listening to their breath or heartbeat.


Look at the inside of your body. Use your preferred sense to help you during this exercise to get a good picture of it.


Repeat the above exercise with the room you are in. Start with your eyes open, examining the room then close your eyes and see a picture of the room in your mind's eye.


Continue the exercise by going to an unfamiliar room and beginning with your eyes closed.